What is Photovoltaic Module in Pakistan and how does it work?


[Solarpanel in Pakistan] The photovoltaic solar energy transforms directly the sunlight into electricity using a technology based on the photovoltaic effect. When the sun's radiation falls on one of the faces of a photoelectric cell (which make up the panels), an electric potential difference is produced between both faces that cause the electrons to jump from one place to another, thus generating an electric current.

 There are two types of solar panels: photovoltaic, power generators for the needs of our homes; thermal, which are installed in houses with direct sunlight; and thermodynamic, which work despite the meteorological variation, that is, even at night, rainy or cloudy.

 In the early stages of photovoltaic technology, this type of energy were used to provide electricity to satellites. [Sunlife] It was in the 1950s, points out the APPA, when photovoltaic panels accelerated their development to become, today, an alternative to the use of fossil fuels.

 What are the benefits of Photovoltaic Energy?

The electrical energy generated by photovoltaic solar panels is inexhaustible and does not pollute, so it contributes to sustainable development, as well as favoring the development of local employment. Likewise, it can be used in two different ways: it can be sold to the electricity grid or it can be consumed in isolated places where there is no conventional electricity grid.

 For this reason, it is a particularly suitable system for rural or isolated areas where the power lines do not reach or its installation is difficult or expensive, or for geographical areas whose weather allows many hours of sunshine per year.

The cost of installation and maintenance of solar panels, whose average useful life is greater than 30 years, has decreased significantly in recent years, as photovoltaic technology develops. [Solar panel in Lahore] It requires an initial investment and small operating expenses, but once the photovoltaic system is installed, the fuel is free and for life.


  • ·        Renewable
  • ·        Inexhaustible
  • ·        Non-polluting
  • ·        Sizable from large plants to home systems
  • ·        Suitable for rural or isolated areas
  • ·        Contribute to sustainable development
  • ·        Promote local employment

More facts about photovoltaic solar energy

The solar energy will become the next ten years in the cheapest source of electricity in many parts of the world, in a context of falling continuously in the cost of photovoltaic panels, asserts International Business Time echoing an investigation by the ' German think tank Agora Energiewende.


The 1980s, panels to generate electricity from the sun have been getting cheaper by 10% per year. A trend that would enable this technology to meet 20% of global energy needs by 2027.


Fortune, a reputed business magazine includes a study that assures that by the end of 2016 solar energy will offer more newly created jobs than the oil sector. In the US, says The Solar Foundation, 2015 marked the third consecutive year of job growth within the solar energy sector.


The global photovoltaic energy market should increase by around 20% in the next two years, adding at least 60 GW in 2016 and more than 70 GW in 2017, according to a study by the PV Market Alliance (PVMA). This same organization anticipates that demand will remain bullish, mainly due to strong growth in India, China, The United States, and several emerging markets. [Solar factories in Pakistan]

In fact, according to PVMA -data grouped on the renewable-energies website-, the integration of 51,000 MW caused a new record of photovoltaic power installed in the world to be broken in 2015, with Asia as the first continent in photovoltaic installation that year (thanks to the bet of China and Japan).

Sources:  Solar energy inexhaustible source | Sustainability for all, Renewable energies: Solar | Sustainability for all, EnergĂ­asrenovablesinfo.com, Neruda.uchile.cl, seia.org, nationalgeographic.com, cleantechnica.com, nytimes.com, ucsusa.org

 What is the difference between peak and nominal power in photovoltaics?

In photovoltaic systems, peak power refers to the amount of kW installed, while nominal power refers to the power of the inverter (the electrical equipment that transforms the energy generated by the panels into suitable for consumption).

In principle, the nominal power is the one that marks the limit (no more can be produced than the inverter can convert). However, photovoltaic installations always install a peak power higher than the nominal one –more panels-, to try to cover 100% of the inverter's capacity.

A photovoltaic plant will be well designed if the peak power –installed panels– is adequate to guarantee that the inverter is capable of operating at 100% of its capacity at all times when it is required.[Solar Panels in Pakistan]

required. [Solar Panels in Pakistan]


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