
7 benefits of the sun for the body

   [Solar Panel in Pakistan] We all know that the sun is the center of our solar system. In fact, one of the factors that make our earth habitable is because the earth gets enough sun exposure. Solar energy has important benefits for human survival on earth. Now, talking about the benefits of the sun, we actually have a lot to discuss, such as discussing the benefits of solar energy for humans, animals, plants, and nature. Then what are the benefits of solar energy for humans?  Benefits of Solar Energy for Humans: Regulates the solar system Because the sun is the center of the solar system, the planets and satellites evolve while rotating around the sun. This is due to the sun's gravitational force pulling on the planets in such a way that the planets evolve around them and form the solar system order we call the Milky Way galaxy. Helping us rest better Some sources say that if a person is exposed to sunlight for approximately 6 hours every day, the individual will

What type of solar panel to choose?

  [Sunlife] There are 3 types of solar panels that are distinguished by their characteristics and the type of the energy they produce. Among these, you will find the thermal panel, the photovoltaic panel, and the hybrid model. Solar thermal panel The solar thermal panel is a device that converts solar  energy  into heat energy . It is used to have domestic hot water, but also to supply the  heating  system. Note that unlike the photovoltaic panel, it does not provide electricity . Initially, the panel will capture and absorb solar radiation and heat to heat a coolant. Then, this liquid, glycol water most of the time, will circulate and heat the water in a storage tank which is generally equipped with a back-up. Regarding its installation, the solar thermal panel must be oriented South and have an inclination of 45 °. Compliant with RT2012, the thermal panel is eligible for financial aid . Aerovoltaic Solar Panel The aerovoltaic panel is formed by photovolta

What is Photovoltaic Module in Pakistan and how does it work?

  [Solarpanel in Pakistan] The photovoltaic solar energy transforms directly the sunlight into electricity using a technology based on the photovoltaic effect. When the sun's radiation falls on one of the faces of a photoelectric cell (which make up the panels), an electric potential difference is produced between both faces that cause the electrons to jump from one place to another, thus generating an electric current.   There are two types of solar panels: photovoltaic, power generators for the needs of our homes; thermal, which are installed in houses with direct sunlight; and thermodynamic, which work despite the meteorological variation, that is, even at night, rainy or cloudy.   In the early stages of photovoltaic technology, this type of energy were used to provide electricity to satellites. [Sunlife] It was in the 1950s, points out the APPA, when photovoltaic panels accelerated their development to become, today, an alternative to the use of fossil fuels.   What are

Life span of Solar Panels – 6 Things you Should know

    [Sunlife] It is critical to understand what determines the longevity of solar panels. If you search the Internet and manuals, you will quickly find that the expected product life, which is stated over and over again, is at least 25 years. This expectation is based on a variety of criteria. First of all, most manufacturers of solar modules offer a 25-year performance guarantee, even if it is not a  25-year product guarantee .  At the time when most subsidy schemes were based on feed-in tariffs, these contracts also mostly ran for a period of 20 years. Last but not least, some old systems are still in good use after up to 30 years. In theory, therefore, solar panels can be expected to function well for two to three decades. [Solar Energy in Pakistan] BUT it should  never  be taken for granted. If someone believes that solar energy is all about putting solar panels on a roof and that this will ensure reliable solar power supply for two decades without any further action, then at bes


[Sunlife] Solar energy is one of the most important renewable energy sources that we have today. And despite this, not everyone knows  how solar energy works . We tell you everything you need to know How many times have you wondered about what  solar energy  is and  how it works ? In previous articles, we have already told you about solar panels , thermal solar energy, and photovoltaic solar energy. On this occasion, we will detail how solar energy works.   HOW DOES SOLAR ENERGY WORK? [Solar Panel in Pakistan] There are two main ways to use solar energy, one as a  source of heat  for solar thermal systems, the other as a  source of electricity for solar photovoltaic systems. We will focus on this last application. In principle, the way in which sunlight is captured to convert it into electricity is done through   solar or photovoltaic panels .  These panels are formed by groups of solar cells that are responsible for transforming light energy (photons) into electrical energ