
Solar Thermal: advantages and disadvantages

  Heating and showering with solar power. It is undoubtedly green, sustainable and good for the climate. But the investment is considerable - and it is not worthwhile for everyone. [Solar Panel in Pakistan] The prognosis is not daring: energy will become even more expensive in the future. So, it is wise to tap into the richest and cheapest source of energy available to us: the sun. Solar thermal converts the rays into heat and helps to reduce the costs for heating and hot water. [ SunLife]  From May to September, an average solar thermal system can cover the heating requirements of a single-family home. Then it may even be possible to use the sun's heat for cooling with the help of an absorption cooling system. In winter, on the other hand, the output of the solar heating is not enough to even come close to covering the heat demand. As a rule of thumb, around 20 percent apply here - the majority of the rest has to be bought in other ways, such as district heating or oil heating. T